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Titan Talker Souper Bowl
General information This information is from a tournament in a past season! This is a High School tournament in Nebraska. View manager contact information
Dear Colleagues,
Titan Talkers would like to invite your team to our Souper Bowl speech invitational on Saturday, DECEMBER 7th at Norris High School. We will offer eight individual speech events & duo with optional scripts. Two preliminary rounds and finals are planned. If any event has very few entries, we will make adjustments to the schedule as needed. Competitors may triple enter but may not use the same script or parts of the same script in more than one event. Judges will be instructed to wait only until 10 minutes prior to the next round’s scheduled start time, so extempers may lose prep time if they chose to double enter. We will offer a novice award in each individual event; we'll have you identify novices at registration. A novice is defined as a student who has not competed in speech prior to August 2019. Novice recognition will not be made in duo. Team platters will be presented to the top two teams with awards to the top six in every individual event as well as a novice award in each individual event.
EXTEMPORANEOUS-Current events topics since August 2019. Thirty-minute preparation, seven-minute maximum speaking time, no minimum limit. One note card is optional. ELECTRONIC FILES ARE ALLOWED AS PER NSAA RULES.
ORATORY-An original speech composed by the speaker intended to persuade, convince, or inspire. Ten-minute maximum time limit. Performance script is optional but must be available at judge and/or tournament director requests.
INFORMATIVE-An original speech composed by the speaker intended to inform or explain. Ten minute maximum. One 4 x 6 note card optional. Visual aids are allowed.
ENTERTAINMENT-An original speech composed by the speaker. This is a public address event. The purpose is to entertain, but the speech must have a serious point. Eight minutes maximum time limit. One 4 x 6 notecard optional.
HUMOROUS & DRAMATIC INTERPRETATION-These will be separate events in interpretation which may be taken from prose or drama. Ten-minute maximum time limit. Manuscripts are optional.
POETRY-A presentation of poetry. 8 minute maximum. If more than one poem is used, the selections should be linked by a common theme or author. Transitional statements between poems are optional. Scripts are mandatory.
POI - A presentation of thematically related mixed media. 10 minute maximum. Scripts are mandatory.
DUO INTERPRETATION--A ten-minute max. presentation of a cutting from a play. Manuscripts are optional. This is NOT duet acting.
8:00 Registration (west main entrance of the high school, in front of the auditorium)
8:30 General Meeting (auditorium) & Extemp Draw, Round I (library)
9:00 Round 1
10:15 Extemp Draw, Round 2 (library)
10:45 Round 2
1:00 Finals (AWARDS to follow ASAP in auditorium)
Entries should be made on SPEECHWIRE. Questions to kelly.wieting@nsdtitans.org or 402-318-4589 via text or talk. The deadline is Tuesday, December 2 by 5:00. Changes will be allowed via e-mail or phone through Friday, December 1, but NO ADDS will be allowed the day of the tournament. You must supply one judge per every five entries or part thereof. Entry fees will be $7.00 per event. Any entries not covered by your judges will cost an additional $10 per entry. Please make checks payable to Norris Speech.
ALL VEHICLES SHOULD ENTER FROM THE SOUTH DRIVEWAY on 68th Street; the north is a one-way exit. Unload students and supplies on the west side of the building; we will have the auditorium entrance marked with signage and a greeter. Best parking will be on the west side of the building, north of the football field or on the south edge of the south lot by the soccer/softball fields. After check-in teams will be directed to the multipurpose room. Concessions will be sold throughout the day. The tab room will be in the office off room W-2 in the front hallway by the west entrance. We plan to use e-ballots via speechwire, so please have judges bring an appropriate device.
Please call if you have any questions. We look forward to seeing you and your team.
Kelly Wieting & Matt Rosenau
kelly.wieting@nsdtitans.org (402)791-0010 ext.2254 (school), 318-4589 (cell)
Kelly Wieting Mailing address 25211 S.68th St. SpeechWire Tournament Services - Copyright 2004-2025 Ben Stewart. All Rights Reserved. Terms of use - Privacy and Security Policy