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Lincoln Southwest Silver Talon
General information This information is from a tournament in a past season! This is a High School tournament in Nebraska. View manager contact information
We are excited to extend this invitation to attend the 2020 Lincoln Southwest Silver Talon Speech Tournament. The competition will be held on Saturday, January 25, 2020. We hope you and your team have the opportunity to attend our eighteenth annual tournament. We are pleased to announce that we are a bid tournament for the 2020 National Individual Events Tournament of Champions in Houston, TX. Please discover more about the NIETOC at www.nietoc.com.
Registration will be held in the LSW main lobby and extemp prep will occur in the media center. We have modified the format of our tournament to facilitate the NIETOC bid process.
Key aspects for this year include:
*Two preliminary rounds in all the events; one round will have two judges.
*We will offer separate divisions for Duo Interpretation and Duet Acting. Students may enter both but must perform a different selection in each.
*Students may quad enter in any event combination. Please ensure that OID and Extemp kids plan carefully for that situation.
*Semifinals & Finals in all events except OID.
*OID will have Champ/Honor/Merit finals (based on entry numbers).
*Prelims - We will offer first-, second-, and third-place ribbons for each section.
*Finals - Trophy for first place and medals for all other places. Recognition for NIETOC bid recipients.
*Triathlon - Trophies for the top three individuals.
*Sweepstakes - Trophies will be awarded to the top three teams.
Entries will only be accepted on-line via www.speechwire.com. Deadline for entries is Wednesday, January 22, 2020 at 6 pm. Fees will be assessed when registrations closes. Changes or drops after the deadline may be emailed to mheimes@lps.org, but will not reduce fees. Additional entries will be allowed if space permits.
Entries will cost $8 each (individual or group). You will need to provide one judge for every seven entries or pay $15 for each uncovered entry.
We will be using NSAA guidelines for the nine Nebraska events. Full descriptions can be found at www.nsaahome.org. After drawing topics in their speaking rooms, Impromptu speakers will have five minutes to prep a 3-5 minute speech, which may be delivered from one 4x6 notecard. This year we are again offering Program Oral Interp, which, along with Duo Interp, will follow the standard NSDA rules.
We have applied for sanctioning in the following states: Colorado, Wyoming, South Dakota, Minnesota, Iowa, Missouri and Kansas. If your state is not listed and you wish to attend, please contact me ASAP so that the appropriate paperwork may be filed.
The Silver Hawk Forensics Booster Club is planning a variety of tasty treats for you and your team. They will be serving breakfast, lunch and snack items throughout the day in the commons of both buildings. Because we have many carpeted areas, please remind students of our 'no food or drink in the classrooms' policy.
You may reach me at school at 402/436-1306 extension 66252, at home at 402/438-3736, or via cell phone at 402/310-4153.
Email: mheimes@lps.org. Please contact me with any questions or concerns.
The Silver Hawk Forensics squad looks forward to hosting your team at our January 25th tournament!
Matt Heimes, LSW Speech Coach
Matt Heimes Mailing address 7001 S. 14th Street SpeechWire Tournament Services - Copyright 2004-2025 Ben Stewart. All Rights Reserved. Terms of use - Privacy and Security Policy