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Lincoln Northeast Space Race
General information This information is from a tournament in a past season! This is a High School tournament in Nebraska. View manager contact information 2020 Lincoln Northeast Space Race Saturday, February 1st, 2020
We are excited to extend this invitation to attend the 2020 Lincoln Northeast Space Race Speech Tournament. The competition will be held on Saturday, February 1, 2020. We are pleased to announce that we are a bid tournament for the 2020 National Individual Events Tournament of Champions in Houston, TX. We hope you and your team have the opportunity to attend!
GENERAL INFO: The entry deadline for all events will be Wednesday, January 29th at 6 PM. We will accept up to triple-entries for any student, although students will be responsible for ensuring they make it to all their events in each round. We will NOT hold rounds for students past the start time of the next round. Special attention will need to be paid by OID and EXT competitors.
Registration and the main area for teams to congregate will be in our Commons area on the lower level of the school. Buses can drop teams off at door 34 (the entrance to the Commons) and then buses should park South of the tennis courts. Doors will be unlocked for entry at 7:45 am. Concessions will be available in the Commons for breakfast and lunch and should be open before general meeting. EXT draw & prep will occur in the media center. Awards will be in the auditorium on the main level (across from the main office and main entry doors).
We will run electronic balloting ONLY at this tournament: please ensure that judges bring a wifi-enabled device on which to complete ballots, and that they have a SpeechWire account from which to judge. It is possible, but very trying, to enter ballots by phone: we encourage tablets and laptops. Schems will be posted in three locations in the commons to ensure that all students have access to round information; students may also sign up for text or email round notifications for this tournament.
COLORING CONTEST: Most importantly, we will be holding our annual "Arbitrary Coloring Contest" There will be giant coloring pages and crayons/markers will be available when your team registers at the beginning of the tournament. The coloring pages are due for judging when finals are announced in the Commons. The top three coloring sheets will be announced during the award ceremony and the Coloring Contest Champion will receive an unnecessary award! Your team is welcome to bring extra art supplies--judges award extra points for creativity, uniqueness, interpretation, and grit.
EVENT RULES/NOTES: - EXT will run a 30 min prep - INF will run a 10 minute time-limit: your judges may see scripts written to the 8:00 or the 10:00 limit: please ask that they are flexible when considering time as a factor in ranking - Duet and Duo will be run together with a 12 min time limit (please be aware that NIETOC has a 10 min limit) - Impromptu has a 5 minute prep and the speech is 3-5 mins long - Rules regarding script/notecard use and time limits of events will be based off NSAA guidelines - We follow the NIETOC rule regarding overtime: Speakers exceeding this time limit by more than 30 seconds shall not be ranked first--do NOT penalize speakers beyond this!
NIETOC BID LEVELS: 0-19 contestants = FIRST PLACE BID 20-34 contestants = FIRST, SECOND & THIRD PLACE BIDS 35-50 contestants = FINAL ROUND BIDS 51-70 contestants = SEMIFINAL ROUND BIDS 71-99 contestants = QUARTERFINAL ROUND BIDS 100 + contestants = OCTOFINAL ROUND BIDS
TOURNAMENT SCHEDULE: 8:00 AM Registration 8:30 AM EXT Draw R1 8:40 AM General Meeting 9:00 AM Round One, All Events 10:00 AM EXT Draw R2 10:30 AM Round Two, All Events 11:30 AM EXT Draw R3 12:00 PM Round Three, All Events 1:45 PM Ext DRAW Finals 2:15 PM Finals 4:00 PM Awards
If you have questions please shoot me an email or send me a text and I will get back to you as quickly as I can!
Email: hzamrzla@lps.org Text: 308-293-0593
We are looking forward to seeing you on February 1!
Hanna Zamrzla Molly Mellinger Head Speech coach Assistant coach
Hanna Zamrzla Mailing address 2635 N 63rd Street SpeechWire Tournament Services - Copyright 2004-2025 Ben Stewart. All Rights Reserved. Terms of use - Privacy and Security Policy