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Crete Cardinal Classic
General information This information is from a tournament in a past season! This is a High School tournament in Nebraska. View manager contact information Dear Colleagues, The Crete High School Speech Team is pleased to invite you to the 25th annual Crete Cardinal Classic, which will be held on Saturday, February 8, 2019. This year we again have the privilege of being a bid tournament for the 2020 National Individual Events Tournament of Champions to be held on May 8-10 in Houston, TX, for the events of HI, DI, DUET acting, Extemporaneous, Oratory, Informative, and POI. In order to offer the most NIETOC bid numbers, we are keeping just one division.
With a larger sized tournament we will have competition take place at both the High School and Middle school; this means you will have to walk across the street for some events. We will recognize the top novice in each individual event; a novice is defined as a student who has not competed in forensics invitational competition before August, 2019. Please read over the invitation and call or e-mail if you have any questions. We’ll see you February 8th!
Tom Barnett Head Speech Coach, CHS Zach Swiec Assistant Speech Coach, CHS
NEW THIS YEAR: We will be using eBallots! More info on that soon!
LOCATION: We are located approximately 25 miles southwest of Lincoln on Highways 103 and 33 in Crete. Crete High School is located at 1750 Iris, Crete, NE 68333 - across the street from the Middle school at 1500 E 15th St.
REGISTRATION: Beginning at 7:45 a.m., registration will be at the HIGH SCHOOL as you walk in the front doors.
PARKING: Parking is available in the main parking lot in front of the school. Feel free to use the circle drive to drop off, then have the buses park closer to the street in the main lot to leave room for our judges and guests.
EVENTS: The nine NSAA events (Extemporaneous, Oral Interpretation of Drama, Humorous Interpretation/Humorous Prose, Dramatic Interpretation/Serious Prose, Oral Interpretation of Poetry, Original Oratory/Persuasive, Entertainment, Duet Acting, Informative) and Program of Oral Interpretation (POI) will be offered. NIETOC Events: Bids to NIETOC will be given based on student numbers in the following events: Humorous Interpretation, Dramatic Interpretation, Duet Acting, Original Oratory, Informative, and POI.
ENTRIES: Students may double enter in each flight at their own risk, knowing full well it may require travel between buildings, we have made the walk and it is doable! Rounds will not be held for students. Each school may have up to 5 entries per individual event. Duet will be limited to 3 entries per school and OID will be allowed 2 per school. We will have an initial entry limit of 100 total entries per individual event, 40 OIDs, and 60 duets; however, a waitlist will be available and entries will be accepted as there is space - last year we were able to accept all waitlist entries. Add entries early (placeholders) early to be guaranteed spots if you are concerned. Group “A” Events: OID, EXT, INF, DI/SP, POI Group “B” Events: DUET, OO/PER, POE, HI/HP, ENT Extemp prep is only 30 minutes this year to eliminate round overlap and putting the tournament behind. ENTRIES ARE DUE BY 4:30 p.m. ON TUESDAY, February 4th. Please enter online through www.speechwire.com. Feel free to email or call/text Rachel on her cell @ (402)560-8452 if you have any questions. Please include your name/school. DROPS AFTER THE ENTRY DEADLINE ON TUESDAY WILL NOT CHANGE JUDGING REQUIREMENTS OR ENTRY FEES!
FEES: Entry fees will be $8.00 per entry in each event; group events count as one entry. Fees are due at registration unless prior arrangements have been made. Make checks out to CRETE HIGH SCHOOL (Speech). AWARDS: The top team will receive a Sweepstakes Trophy, plus trophies will be awarded to the top school in classes (unless that top school receives the Sweepstakes Trophy). We will offer Champs finals for all events with additional final rounds as entries allow. All finalists will be recognized. There will be a triathlon award for those who are triple or quad entered. JUDGES: You must furnish one judge for every 5 entries or part thereof (Example: 5 entries = 1 judge; 7 entries = 2 judges) OR pay $15.00 per slot you haven’t covered. (Example: 7 entries. Furnishing one judge means you owe an extra $15.00 for each uncovered slot in addition to the $8 entry fee for those entries.) Remember, if you want to judge you count as one judge. All judges must be available for finals. If a judge misses any judging assignment, including finals, the sponsoring team will be assessed a $15 penalty. Please have stopwatches for all your judges. We will make every attempt to double up judges during one round of competition to provide 3 ballots for students. The ability to do this is dependent on you bringing your required judges.
CONCESSIONS: Concessions will be on sale throughout the day at the high school including breakfast items when your team arrives. A well-stocked lounge (including lunch) will be located at the high school; light snacks and beverages will be available at the middle school for judges.
SCHEDULE: Events will be run in two flights. There will be two preliminary rounds in each event and finals. We will adhere to the following schedule as closely as possible:
7:45 - 8:30 Registration 8:30 EXTEMP DRAW, Round 1 (High School Auxiliary Gym) 8:40 General Meeting 9:00 ROUND 1, Group “A” Events (OID, EXT, INF, DI/SP, POI) 10:30 ROUND 1, Group “B” Events (DUET, OO/PER, POE, HI/HP, ENT) 11:30 EXTEMP DRAW, Round 2 12:00 ROUND 2, Group “A” Events 1:30 ROUND 2, Group “B” Events 3:00 (or ASAP) FINALS, Group “A” (all at the high school) 4:15 (or ASAP) FINALS, Group “B” (all at the high school) AWARDS (at the HIGH SCHOOL) A.S.A.P. FOLLOWING FINALS
In case of inclement weather we will attempt to contact schools via the SpeechWire announcement system or you may contact tom.barnett@creteschools.org or call (402-381-7743).
Tom Barnett Mailing address 1750 Iris SpeechWire Tournament Services - Copyright 2004-2025 Ben Stewart. All Rights Reserved. Terms of use - Privacy and Security Policy