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Sun Prairie Forensics Tournament

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General information

This information is from a tournament in a past season!

This is a High School tournament in Wisconsin.

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Dear Forensics Coach,
The Sun Prairie High School Forensics team invites you and your team to the thirteenth annual Sun Prairie Forensics Tournament. The tournament is scheduled for Saturday, February 1, 2020. Our goal is to reach schools in a variety of regions throughout the state. We are prepared to offer a professionally-run, fun and exciting day of competition.
Special Notes!
-The tournament will be held at Sun Prairie High School (888 Grove Street). This is the NEWish high school.
-We will be offering Oratorical Declamation.
WFCA rules will be used for all events (For a list of rules see www.wfcaforensics.org) with the following modifications:
-Allowance of one 4x6 notecard in Oratory
-Solo Actors will be allowed to use a chair
-Allowance of notes in Oratorical Declamation
-Allowance of notes in Demonstration, Informative, Moments and Special Occasion
7:30-8:15   Registration
8:30        Radio/Extemp Draw Begins in the LMC
8:30        Student Meeting in the Commons /  Judges Meeting in the Performing Arts Center
9:00        Round I
10:15       Round II
11:30       Round III
1:30        Power Rounds Begin
3:00        Awards in the Performing Arts Center
Students are allowed to double enter. Students cannot double enter in BOTH extemp and radio. Total number of entries for the tournament is capped at 700.
Each school must provide one judge for every five entries or portion of five entries. Each duo, group interp or play acting is considered one entry. Please try to bring your own quality judges. Your judge commitment will be based on your entry as of Friday, January 31 at 4:00pm. We will have hired judges available for you at a cost of $15 per uncovered entry. Teams with over 50 entries/10 judges may be required to hire judges from the tournament.
Trophies will be presented to the top three competitors and medals to the remaining finalists. In addition, the top novice competitor in each category will receive a medal. Team trophies will be awarded to schools in three divisions. Your top 25 competitors with a maximum of four in any one category will count for team awards. Divisions will be determined based on actual entries competing. A minimum of five entries will be needed to compete for team awards.
-Please register via SpeechWire by Friday, January 24th by 5:00 pm.
-Teams can and should manage their own drops on Speechwire.com until 4:00pm, Friday, January 31st.
-Entries dropped after that time will still be charged and you will be responsible for the judges listed.
-Day of tournament drops are strongly discouraged. Please text last minute drops as soon as possible on tournament day to Anna-Lisa Dahlgren at 608-712-5152 AND Jason Samens at 608-669-3210. Make sure you have an updated cell phone number in Speechwire, so tournament personnel can contact you in case a member of your team fails to check-in by 8:15am.
A fee of $10.00 for each individual entry and $15.00 for group entries (Duo, Group Interp, Play Acting). Entry fees are per entry, not per student. Fees will be based on your confirmed entry.
The SPHS Forensics Boosters will have breakfast and lunch for sale.
-Note on Varsity/Novice designation: When prompted to enter a student’s division, please use varsity for all competitors EXCEPT those students in their FIRST year of high school forensics competition. Please mark these students as NOVICE. This will allow us to recognize top novice competitors at awards like we have in the past.
-If you encounter any problems with the online registration, don't hesitate to email amdahlg@sunprairieschools.org
We are looking forward to hosting you on February 1st! If you have any questions, feel free to contact us!
Anna-Lisa Dahlgren                                       
Head Coach, SPHS Forensics                 
Cell: 608-712-5152
E-Mail: amdahlg@sunprairieschools.org
John Peschl
Coach, SPHS Forensics
Melissa Nowak
Coach, SPHS Forensics
Sara Hilliger
Coach, SPHS Forensics
Jason Samens
Coach, SPHS Forensics

Manager contact information

Anna-Lisa Dahlgren
Email address: amdahlg@sunprairieschools.org
Phone number: 608-712-5152

Mailing address

Anna-Lisa Dahlgren / Cardinal Heights Upper Middle School
220 Kroncke Drive
Sun Prairie, WI 53590

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