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Chieftain Invitational

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General information

This information is from a tournament in a past season!

This is a High School tournament in Nebraska.

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Bellevue East Chieftain Invitational
Sat Feb 8th, 2020
Events:  We will be hosting open divisions in Humorous Interp, Dramatic Interp, Duo Interp (10 min time limit), Poetry Interp, Original Oratory, Informative Speaking (10 min time limit), Entertainment Speaking, Extemp Speaking, Oral Interp of Drama and Program Oral Interp. If you have any questions on rules for events please see bellow and/or contact me. 
Students many triple enter. Please realize that getting to rounds on time is the speaker’s responsibility and the judge will not wait beyond the start time of the next round for any reason.
Awards: We will be giving awards based on the size of entries. 
Judges: Please provide one judge for every five entries. There will be a fee of $12.00 per uncovered entries. These judges and email addresses are due at the close of registration on Wed February 5th at 4:00pm. If you are short on judges I may require that the coach be entered as a judge, thank you for your understanding on this.
Food: We will have concessions open all day, please support our team by purchasing from our concessions stand. Judges and coaches will be provided food in the lounge.
Extemporaneous:  Topics will cover both foreign and domestic issues from the news since December 2018.  Thirty minute prep time. One 4X6 note card optional.  TIME LIMIT 5 to 7min.
Original Oratory: Must be an original work of the student to inspire, persuade, and/or convince.  Limit of 150 quoted words.  Script is optional.  TIME LIMIT MAX 10.
Informative Speaking: Must be the original work of the student. This is a speech indented to inform the audience on a subject. You are allowed to use visual aids. Access to electronic visual aids will not be provided.  one 4x6 note card allowed, no script. TIME LIMIT 10 min MAX.
Entertainment speaking: Must be the original work of the student. This is a speech intended to entertain the audience. It should be structured, sources are optional. You are allowed to use visual aids. Access to electronic visual aids will not be provided. One 4x6 note card allowed, no script. TIME LIMIT 8 min MAX.
Dramatic Interpretation:  A serious interpretation of an original cutting from prose or a play.  TIME LIMIT MAX 10.
Humorous Interpretation:  A humorous interpretation of an original cutting from prose or a play. TIME LIMIT MAX 10.
Poetry:  A serious or humorous interpretation of one or more poems.  If more than one poem is used, they must be based on either a theme or a single author.  Script is required.  TIME LIMIT 6 to 8min.
DUO Interp  An original cutting from a humorous or serious play, acted out by two individuals. NSDA rules will be enforced, off-stage focus, no script, 10 minute max. 
Program Oral Interp - a program of prose, poetry and drama based on a theme. See NSDA rules/guidelines. Script required. Time limit 10 min max. 
Registration 8:00 to 8:20
EXT Draw Round One 8:30
General Meeting  8:30
Round One 9:00
EXT Draw Round Two 10:00
Round Three 10:30
EXT Draw Round Three 11:30
Round Three 12:00
Finals 2:15 or ASAP
Awards 4:00 or ASAP

Manager contact information

Becca Hier
Email address: rebecca.hier@bpsne.net
Phone number: 402-826-7324

Mailing address

1401 High School Drive
Bellevue, NE 68005

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