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Arrowhead Forensics Tournament (CANCELED)

RegistrationGeneral informationFiles for downloadTournament scheduleFeesRegistration handbook

General information

This information is from a tournament in a past season!

This is a High School tournament in Wisconsin.

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The Arrowhead Forensics Team invites you and your team to join us for the Pi Day version of this year’s Arrowhead Forensics Tournament.  The tournament will be held on the Saturday, March 14, 2020. The team is very excited to be hosting a tournament once again, and we are looking forward to having you here. 


The Arrowhead Tournament is a WFCA event, and will follow WFCA rules.  We will once again be offering Oratorical Declamation following NCFL rules.  The tournament is open to double entries.  


Entries: Your top 25 entries will count toward your team score with a maximum of 4 per category.  Additional entries are welcome. Students are allowed to DOUBLE enter, but triple entry is NOT allowed.  Students are NOT allowed to double enter in both extemp and radio.


Note on Varsity/Novice designation: When prompted to enter a student’s division, please use varsity for all competitors EXCEPT those students in their FIRST year of high school forensics competition, regardless of year in school. Please mark these students as NOVICE. This will allow us to offer novice finals in some of the larger categories for the top novice entries in a category that did not advance to finals.  In these categories, all students will compete together in preliminary rounds. 


Rules: All WFCA categories will be offered.  WFCA Rules will be followed for all categories; however, accommodations will be made for those students who normally compete in WHSFA events (Students in Public Address are encouraged to sign-up for Oratory).  The tournament will offer Oratorical Declamation to 9th and 10th grade students following NCFL rules (for more information check out http://www.ncfl.org/declamation). Please go over any rule changes with your students and judges prior to attending the meet.  Rules are available on the website www.wfcaforensics.org.


Judges: Each school must bring one qualified judge for every five entries or fraction thereof.  We will have a limited number of judges available for hire at $120 per judge. You are responsible for the number of judges that you indicate on your registration as of Thursday, March 12th.  


Deadlines: Please register via SpeechWire by Sunday, March 8th by 7:00 pm. Teams can and should manage their own drops and adds on SpeechWire until 4:00pm Thursday March 12th. After that team fees will be locked.  (Entries dropped after this time will still be charged.) Day of tournament drops are strongly discouraged.  There will be no adds the day of the tournament. Please call-in or text last minute drops as soon as possible on tournament day to  Rayen Elmergreen at 262-366-0359 and Steve Schmid at 262-443-3681.


Fees: Entry fees are $10.00 per individual entry and $15.00 for each group entry (Play Acting, Duo Interp, or Group Interp).  Fees will be based on your entries as of 4:00pm Thursday March 12th.  Please make the checks payable to the Arrowhead Forensics Team.


Awards: Trophies will be presented to the top three competitors in each category and medals will be awarded to the remaining finalists.  Team trophies will be awarded to the top schools in three divisions. Large school awards will be based on team points. Medium and small team awards will be based on team average


Food: Food will be for sale by the Parents of the Arrowhead Forensics Team.  Lunch and breakfast items will be available in the South Campus Commons throughout the day.  Breakfast and lunch will be provided for judges, coaches, and bus drivers compliments of the families of the Arrowhead Forensics Team.


  • Confirmations will be sent out by e-mail the week of the tournament.  There will be detailed instructions including numbers to call/text on Saturday morning and the location of each event.

  • To start the tournament smoothly, each school MUST text confirming their registration by 7:15 the morning of the meet.  

  • Our school consists of two buildings (North Campus and South Campus), and preliminary rounds will be held in both buildings regardless of weather (please prep your competitors according to the weather forecast). Registration, judges’ lounge, food, and power rounds for all events will be held at our South Campus Building. 

  • If you have any students with disabilities, please contact us directly and we will be happy to make accommodations.



Prior to 7:15 Call-in Confirmation

7:30 – 8:00 Registration

8:15 Judges’ Meeting in South Campus Band Room

8:30 Student Meeting in South Campus Cafeteria

8:15 Radio/Extemp Draw Begins in South Campus Library

8:45 Round I

10:00 Round II

11:15 Round III

1:15 Power Rounds Begin

3:30 Awards in the South Campus Gymnasium


Questions: If you have any questions, please feel free to call or e-mail.  

You can reach me (Steve Schmid) at (262) 443-3681 or schmid@arrowheadschools.org

or Rayen Elmergreen at (262)-366-0359 or elmergreen@arrowheadschools.org 


Thank you and we hope to see you on March 14th!


Rayen Elmergreen Angie Rodenkirch

Arrowhead Forensics Coach Arrowhead Forensics Coach


Steve Schmid Paula Nordwig

Tournament Tabulation/Registration Manager Tournament Hospitality Manager


Manager contact information

Steve Schmid
Email address: schmid@arrowheadschools.org
Phone number: 2624433681

Mailing address

800 North Ave
Hartland, WI 53029

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