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Princeton Tigerhead Invitational

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Tournament schedule

Feb. 22, 2025
1:00 AM
8:30 AMRd 1 Draws
Prep: ExR, ExS, Story
9:00 AMRd 1
Round 1: CE, Dra, Duo, ExR, ExS, GS, Hum, Inf, OO, Poe, Pro, Story
9:20 AMRd 1 Discussion
Round 1: Disc
10:00 AMRd 2 Draws
Prep: ExR, ExS, Story
10:30 AMRd 2
Round 2: CE, Dra, Duo, ExR, ExS, GS, Hum, Inf, OO, Poe, Pro, Story
10:50 AMRd 2 Discussion
Round 2: Disc
11:30 AMRd 3 Draws
Prep: ExR, ExS, Story
12:00 PMRd 3
Round 3: CE, Dra, Duo, ExR, ExS, GS, Hum, Inf, OO, Poe, Pro, Story
12:20 PMRd 3 Discussion
Round 3: Disc
1:05 PM
1:10 PM
1:15 PMFinal Draw Prep
1:20 PM
1:25 PM
1:30 PMPrep: ExR, ExS, Story
1:45 PMFinal round: CE, Dra, Duo, GS, Hum, Inf, OO, Poe, Pro
2:00 PMFinals
Final round: Disc, ExR, ExS, Story
2:45 PMHonorable Mentions
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