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OSDA GMV District Tournament

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Tournament schedule

Feb. 3, 2024
7:00 AMRegistration 7-7:30
7:45 AMInternet Check - All Hired Judges Please Be Here
8:00 AMJudge Instructions
8:30 AMPrep: IX, USX
9:00 AMRound 1: CD, DEC, DI, DUO, HI, INF, IX, LD, OO, PF, POI, USX
10:00 AMRound 2: LD, PF
Prep: IX, USX
10:30 AMRound 2: DEC, DI, DUO, HI, INF, IX, OO, POI, USX
11:00 AMLD/PF Bye Round 1 - If Necessary
11:45 AMPrep: IX, USX
12:00 PMRound 2: CD
Round 3: LD, PF
12:15 PMRound 3: DEC, DI, DUO, HI, INF, IX, OO, POI, USX
1:00 PM
1:15 PMRd IV PF/LD
Round 4: LD, PF
1:30 PMSpeech Runoffs - If Necessary
3:15 PMLD/PF Bye Round II - If Necessary

Important tournament rooms

Reserved for Bye Rounds - 208
Extemp Prep - 210
Awards Ceremony - Auditorium
Primary Judge Lounge & Food Service - Cafeteria
Alternative Speech Judge Lounge - Engineering Lab
Alternative Debate Judge Lounge - Library
Tab Room - Teachers Work Room
Student Waiting & Eating Area - West Gym

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